Saturday, December 08, 2007

Xtreme Alternative Defense Systems get National Press


Take a look at From Lightning Weapons to Flying Cars :

"Does Pete Bitar sound familiar? It should, at least to regular DANGER ROOM readers. Because Bitar is a name to be reckoned with the in the world of lightning weapons. He's the founder of Xtreme Alternative Defense Systems, a nonlethal weapons company. Bitar started the outfit from scratch in Anderson, Indiana, a few short years ago and has grown it to a $10 million dollar business (Bitar's company recently received a bit of local pork, though he got his start through the small business innovative research bandwagon)."


On the plus side, Pete Bitar has managed to start, maintain and grow a high-tech (perhaps even Sci-Fi Tech) firm in an otherwise depressed Midwestern area, so that's an impressive accomplishment.

And who doesn't love the idea of a flying car?

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