Saturday, December 08, 2007

Mitch Daniels and Judicial Appointments

Advance Indiana published : Closer Scrutiny Of Daniels' Judicial Appointments a little while ago. Indiana governors do not have the kind of power the President has to appoint judges but I think Gary Welsh may have a point. If for nothing else because no one is paying much attention to what Mitch is doing with Indiana's judiciary.
"While Gov. Mitch Daniels' critics have plenty to keep them busy with the multiple initiatives he has undertaken during his first three years in office, nobody is paying much attention to the judicial appointments he has made. Yet, the people he appoints to the bench will be wielding decisions for ten, twenty or more years after he leaves office. As governor, he appoints trial court judges statewide whenever a vacancy occurs, and he fills vacancies on the Indiana Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court. The long-term impact of his judicial appointees far exceeds the impact of most other decisions he makes while in office."

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