Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Muncie - catching up with recount

I missed some news that Blue Indiana caught: GOP Trying to Steal Muncie Election by Shredding Dem Votes.

Then there was this from last Saturday's Star Press: Republicans accuse Murphy of election misdeeds.
In court documents related to the recount, Brooks has alleged that Democrat Jim Mansfield's 11-vote victory over Republican Sharon McShurley was influenced by fraud, misconduct and tampering.

Up until Friday, however, Brooks had refused to talk about his evidence and what specific information he had to prove fraud.

Brooks told The Star Press he possessed signed affidavits from voters attesting to the fact that Murphy collected the ballots or helped them vote, both of which are illegal.

The attorney declined, however, to say how many affidavits he had.

Brooks turned the affidavits and other information over to Democratic attorneys last week.

Democrat attorney Mike Quirk said they received 25 affidavits, most of which Quirk described as fraudulent.

In response, Democrats have provided Republicans with 25 affidavits from the same voters disputing the original Republican affidavits, Quirk said.

In some cases, the voters told Democrats that the Republican affidavits misrepresented what they said, Quirk said.

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