Friday, December 07, 2007

Eugene Robinson on Hilary and Obama

Hilary attacking Obama raises some concerns. Eugene Robinson puts most of them in focus with Lessons for the Front-Runner:
"The real problem is the implication that there's something specifically wrong with Obama's ambition -- that he has no right to be where he is, challenging her for the nomination. There's a suggestion that he's somehow a usurper, which allows Obama supporters to charge that Clinton, without using the word, is accusing the Illinois senator of being uppity-- which opens up a discussion about history and entitlement that I can't imagine any Democratic front-runner would welcome."

Clinton should go after Obama on substance -- his failure to propose a mandate for universal health insurance, for example -- and someone should remind her that she's still in the lead. Suggesting that the first African American with a legitimate shot at the nomination is overreaching is not the way for Clinton to stay ahead.

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