Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Anderson Mayor's Race - Mayor Smith's Opening Move?

I subscribe to the Mayor's Meat and Potato's newsletter. (Considering how little news about the mayor we get out of the Herald-Bulletin, this is a necessity for knowing what is going on with our city government). This bit is from the latest newsletter:

What if Anderson had begun global jobs efforts 10 or 20 years ago?

Indiana communities, like Columbus and Seymour, began traveling to Europe and Asia years ago, making contacts and renewing them from year to year. Now they have the diverse, thriving economies that Anderson is targeting. The photo here is from our trip to Japan in August, 2005. With me and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is Gov. Tomikazu Fuku of the Japanese State of Tochigi.

I say expect the same sort of campaign run against Bobby Rock four years ago - smear the Democratic candidate as a clone of J. Mark Lawler. Meanwhile, let us not forget that Anderson was making global job efforts under Lawler. Anyone remember the crystal factory?

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