Sent via e-mail by a thoughtful Democrat in response to some of my posts here:
I don't have an account and won't get one, but... I told my wife early in the Daniels administration that someone better be keeping track of all the authoritarian debacles authored by this emperor of a governor. And for credibility's sake it should be someone besides shills for the Democrat party. This Tipton thing is fine for Tipton, but these jobs aren't new. They are lateral. Manufacturing jobs, which everyone seems to love as much as they love the 1950's (hint, both are gone, man) are bleeding out of this state faster than Mitch and a few buddies can get out their silver shovels. His accomplishments, such as they are, mainly are founded on money we got based on fictional valuations (to-wit: toll road). That accomplishment, a balanced budget, passed on the last day of the legislative session, is just a shell game. Don't actually ask how the numbers add up because they again are based on estimates.
Your list is a good start, but by now it should be at leasttwice as long. I said when he ran he was an assassin from the Bush andReagan administrations and was one of many looting IPL at the expense of hopeful pensioners. Dressing in his new Lands End clothes, riding his yuppie toy and pretending he's just a working man. From Princeton. This was all before the election! Well, O'Bannon and Kernan are gone. Time for something new.
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The Return!
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(iPOPA) is undergoing a transformation, but it will be back soon!
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