Sunday, December 02, 2007

Ockomon Changing Police and Fire Chief Selection

I could debate substance versus style or whether style can be substance, but I would come down on the side that style can be substance. I think we are seeing that in this article from the Herald-Bulletin:

Mayor-elect Kris Ockomon has appointed a group of community members to review and recommend applicants for the police chief and the fire chief.

“He’s doing a different methodology, a different process for the police and fire (chief appointments),” Lisa Patton, who will be Ockomon’s public information officer, said.

The interviews are done at The Flagship Enterprise Center, Patton said. Anderson University and The Flagship also will facilitate training, she said. A board of community members interviewed fire chief applicants this past week. A board, comprised of different people, will interview police chief applicants next week.

Community members include a representative from the religious sector, a representative from the service sector and a representative from the business sector, Patton said.

The transition team, headed by Interview Coordinator Shirley Weatherly, will make the final recommendation to Ockomon, but the input from board members is an instrumental part of the process, according to a press release. Weatherly picked the members of the community board, Patton said.

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