Sunday, December 09, 2007

Ball State economists predict job growth - Follow up

From The Ball State Daily News, 47,000 jobs to be in Ind.. Which does not explain much more than when I wrote about these predictions here.

And then there is this from MarketWatch, U.S. mortgage foreclosures at record high: Mortgage Bankers:
"A record number of U.S. mortgages were somewhere in the foreclosure process in the third quarter, with 1.69% of all residential borrowers facing the loss of a home, the Mortgage Bankers Association said Thursday. The percentage of homes that entered foreclosure in the third quarter also hit a record at 0.78%, the trade group said. Mortgage delinquencies, those loans with payments that were more than 30 days past due, shot up to a 21-year high at 5.59%, MBA's quarterly survey showed. Although all types of loans showed an increase in foreclosure starts in the third quarter, subprime adjustable-rate loans remained the biggest problem, accounting for 43% of all new foreclosures, even though they comprise just 6.8% of all loans outstanding, the MBA said."

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