Sunday, December 02, 2007

About that Muncie Recount - things getting nasty

I know it has been a few days since The Muncie Star Press published Democrats angry over recount mailing and Judge Barnet over in Delaware Circuit 3 has made some rulings on the case, but I still think it deserves attention.
"The most recent development, according to Democratic attorney Mike Quirk, involved a letter dated Nov. 14 and postmarked Nov. 27 that was mailed to absentee voters in Precinct 18 in the Whiteley neighborhood."


The letter, from Republican attorney David Brooks, begins: "I am an attorney who has been hired to, among other things, look into possible election misconduct in your precinct."

While Brooks identifies himself and composed the letter on his law firm letterhead, he does not disclose that he was hired by the Delaware County Republican Party.

"He never says who his client is," Quirk said in an interview. "People are left wondering, is he working for Delaware County or working for the election board?"
As a lawyer, I have problems here. Most people do not like getting letters from lawyers. Most lawyers would explain clearly why they were writing a letter like the one described in the article. It smells bad. It would smell just as bad coming from a Democrat.

On a broader view: why do Republicans whine so much when they lose?

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