Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Mystery: Why Muncie's Politics Are Wackier Than Anderson's

I call that something to be thankful for. Would anyone expect a similar headline from Anderson's Herald Bulletin: Councilman Monte Murphy is back, but he's not talking ?
"During December's mayoral recount, Republicans accused Murphy, a Muncie firefighter and city councilman, of illegally collecting absentee ballots in Precinct 18. Efforts by Republican attorneys to question Murphy Dec. 10 failed because they could not find him in advance to serve a subpoena.
For the next 12 days, Murphy's whereabouts were unknown, at least to the general public.

He reappeared Dec. 22, returning to work as planned at the Muncie Fire Department, according to Muncie Fire Chief Alan Richards.

By that time, however, the recount was over. Republican Sharon McShurley had been named mayor. The Republican recount legal team had returned to Indianapolis, and it appeared Murphy had weathered the storm."

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