Monday, November 12, 2007

New mayor needs to lead and be creative, business owners say | The Star Press - - Muncie, IN

I compared New mayor needs to lead and be creative, business owners say from Muncie's Star-Press with our mayor-elect's Q & A in The Herald-Bulletin.
"In the wake of Tuesday's election, local business leaders say Muncie's next mayor must control the costs that affect local businesses and take a leadership role in supporting and building the city's economy."


Although Democrat James Mansfield won Tuesday's mayoral contest -- pending a possible recount effort from Republican Sharon McShurley -- some members of the local business community said their comments could apply to anyone elected mayor, and to members of the new city council as well.

Mike Kilgore, owner of Friendly Package Liquors, said community leaders need to react more quickly when businesses are in danger of closing.

"They don't realize the effect until it's gone," Kilgore said. "We need to react a little quicker to problems facing the business community."

Longtime real estate agent and developer Mike Lunsford said recent complaints about property taxes indicate "the administration has to manage costs. It can't be business as usual.

A lot of similar concerns - of course. Ockomon (and Smith before him) has his eyes on these concerns.

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