Not my usual sort of post, but for me this is more political than legal. In the past few years, the United States Supreme Court put the burden on parents of special needs parents to show that the educational plan was not a good one for their child. I probably miss some irrelevant fine points of the decision to get this point across: it is the parents, not the educational experts that are the employees of the school, who must prove what is wrong with the educational plan. I think that is just unfair.
The Florida Divorce Blog has a post NY: Schools Must Prove They Are Meeting Special Needs Kids Needs If Challenged on how New York has put the burden back on the schools. Why should this not also be the law in Indiana?
Shit-Stirring Nonsense
Over on BlueSky, I was asked for my thoughts on HB 1008 concerning
“Indiana-Illinois boundary commission.” So, just for the record, I
responded that I th...
2 days ago