Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Regulations not bad?

The Indiana Lawyer posted a a long excerpt from the New York Times' article Law - "In Turnaround, Industries Seek U.S. Regulation". Why the sudden change in attitude by industry towards federal regulation? The article gives several reasons:
The consequences for consumers, though, are not yet clear. The tactical shift by industry groups is motivated by a confluence of self-interests: growing competition from inexpensive imports that do not meet voluntary standards, and a desire to head off liability lawsuits and pre-empt tough state laws or legal actions that were a response to laissez-faire Bush administration policies. Concerns that Democrats could soon expand their control in Washington have also prompted manufacturers or producers to seek regulations that they consider the least burdensome, regulatory experts say.
As with much the Republicans have done of late, these moves have the appearance of draping wool over the wolf. That is, they present something that sounds beneficial to us all but in reality protects only the interests of their friends and not of the general public.

Even more interesting is this: does Big Business see the demise of Republican control of the federal government?

Since the New York Times requires payment for older articles, I suggest going over to The Indiana Lawyer to read more of the article.

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