Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Reading around: Indiana property taxes

Madison County's property tax statements remain unsent. Delaware County's remains up in arms. Expect the worst here. As a fellow said to me in Muncie two weeks ago, we got more money here than you do over there.

Masson's Blog and Taking Down Words posted about the AP poll taken about the property tax. The post at Masson's Blog is under Pick your poison while Replacement Cost: No One Likes Property Taxes, But What Do We Change? is the post at TDW. Masson makes a point here that I think everyone should think about:
I am mildly amused at the headline being run by the Associated Press on the poll. “Poll: Tap state surplus to ease property tax burden.” The recent property tax crisis was caused in no small part by the process that led to the State “surplus” in the first place. The State has recognized that it imposes a good many burdens on local government and, the State helps out by subsidizing local property taxes. In 2005, the State “balanced” its budget, in part, by capping the property tax subsidy. This resulted in higher property taxes. So, the poll is really just saying, apparently, that the State should return to paying higher property tax subsidies.

People need to think about this a bit - that having the State subsidize property tax relief solves nothing.

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