Sunday, September 09, 2007

Bush's Freedom for us

Yes, I know the title is provocative. Take the time to read Disinformation Society, Bush-style from The Nation.
The removal of documents en masse, the denial of access to the public, the classification of everything -- these are signs of a now seven-year-long shutting off of the flow of unsupervised information. But perhaps nothing has been as crucial as the shutting down of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that Ruth Rosen, former columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, historian, and author of the groundbreaking book The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America (recently updated), considers at under the rubric: "soft crimes" of the Bush administration.
If the present Administration were a bit more competent, the temptation to see them as creating a danger to the Republic would be great. I wonder if they just do not want us to know the true depth of their ineptitude.

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