Wednesday, August 22, 2007


From the Marion Chronicle-Tribune: Winery offers dairy, wine on cheese day. I never knew there was a winery in Converse (and I would still not know it from the article). Why the interest? Think on this:

Earlier this summer, there was bread-baking competition that allowed customers to taste wines along with locally baked breads.

"Our whole idea is to pair with Indiana businesses to promote Indiana businesses, and that way we both win," he said.

Since the article did not provide any location information, here is what turned up from Google: 111 East Marion Street, Converse, IN 46919 Phone (765) 395-3632. The place has its own web page (and why was this not in the original article?):

A post on The Indiana Law Blog from this past Sunday shows the investment other states are putting into their wineries and what Indiana is not doing to help its wineries. See Ind. Law - New York has a good idea here.

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