Considering Indiana emphasis on corn ethanol and the local effects of high gasoline prices, the remainder has points for us to ponder here.Now, energy producers are in the driver’s seat. Western Europe is hungry for Russia’s natural gas, and so is willing to turn a blind eye to Vladimir Putin’s stifling of opposition at home. America needs a continued flow of oil to fuel its cars and heat its homes, and so cosies up to the odious Saudi Arabian theocracy, even though the Saudis fund potential terrorists teaching their special brand of Islam in madrasas around the world.
What my professor-friend tells his students is this: energy policy has three aspects. It is an important component of economic policy; it is inextricably intertwined with environmental policy; and it an equally important influence on any nation’s foreign policy. This complexity might explain why the proposals coming out of Westminster, Washington and other capitals are a mixture of sense and nonsense.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
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