Friday, August 31, 2007

Buyer lectures Lugar

Thanks to Masson's Blog because I missed altogether Representative Buyer telling Senators Lugar and Warner that they need to wait for General Petreaus' report. Wow. Read Buyer to Lugar: Shut up and wait. Masson makes a great point:
Buyer conveniently overlooks the fact that this report is to be written by the White House. Buyer, as you’ll recall, is the military genius who wanted to use nuclear weapons in Afghanistan. Unlike Buyer, his potential challenger for Indiana’s 4th Congressional seat, Nels Ackerson, is not hesitant to take a look at the past 4.5 years and suggest that changes are necessary. It is ridiculous for Buyer to suggest that we need to wait for a report ghost written by the White House before we can figure out that the White House has gotten a tremendous number of things wrong in Iraq.

Is Buyer trying to supplant Dan Burton as Indiana's Congressman most likely to embarass the State of Indiana?

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