When Lugar made his speech against Bush's Iraq policy, I thought he finally awoke and our not opposing him in the last general election made sense. Not so now.Anyone searching for the highest forms of invertebrate life need look no further than the floor of the U.S. Senate last week and this. These spineless specimens go by various names -- Republican moderates; respected senior Republicans; Dick Lugar, John Warner, Pete Domenici, George Voinovich.
They have seen the folly of our course in Iraq. The mission, they understand, cannot be accomplished. The Iraqi government, they discern, is hopelessly sectarian.
In wisdom, they are paragons. In action, they are nullities.
All Politics is Local – SB 249 and Teacher’s Compensation
In one sense, Sen. Deery’s SB 249 is nothing too novel. It’s a teacher
compensation bill that continues the effort to undermine collective
bargaining by ...
1 week ago