Just a quick note to let everyone know that Left of Centrist will beLeft of Centrist can be found here: http://leftofcentrist.blogspot.com/
involved in Blogathon 2007 to raise money for the Alliance for Climate
Protection. I begin blogging at 9:00AM Saturday July 28 and continue
to 9:00AM the following day. I would appreciate each and every
mention I can get. The more sponsors I get, the more money we raise.
Help me blog for Earth!
"Helmets to Hardhats" Non-Profit Connects Over 30,000 Veterans To
Federally-Approved Apprenticeship Training Programs And Careers
*"MILITARY.COM" By **Darrell Roberts*
*"The training is privately funded, provided by the trade organizations
themselves at no cost to the veteran. *
6 days ago