Saturday, January 13, 2007

Time to kick the habit - Guide closes for good

Guide closed a little quicker than was expected but it is gone. The Herald -Bulletin has the headline in print as if World War Three just started. No more Anderson as a GM town. Time to pick up ourselves and move on.

I found it kind of odd but George Will profiled the UAW president today. Will ends with this: "A UAW card no longer means that life cannot be hard." yeah, no kidding.

The Indianapolis Business Journal had a news alert that Toyota is looking to place more plants in Indiana. I'd like to say this is a good thing for Anderson to lobby for but for the past 43 years we have been addicted to Big Auto. I say it has been ruinous for us. Even the Herald-Bulletin recognized the problem in this editorial.

We have two candidates running (so far) in the Democrat primary. Neither has made a clear statement about his economic development plans and they need to do so. I feel that our Mayor has been grasping at straws but some of those straws stayed in his grasp. I doubt anyone does not know what ails Anderson and that our options are not so wide open, but surely we Democrats can devise a plan that is less simplistic than our Mayor's plan? Economic development - jobs - will be top of the list come this November. Not the police department.

We need a vision of what Anderson can be and adapt a plan to bring that vision to life. We can do better than the Republicans. We just need to think large.

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