I waited a few days to write about this. I am still uncertain what I think. Yeah, he was a pure bastard but there a whole lot of those running countries. Some of them get U.S. dollars just like Saddam did.
I was out the other night, couldn't get to sleep, so I was listening to the BBC on the Muncie NPR station. I found it odd just how many people they interviewed thought that his hanging was a bad thing, that his execution was pretty pointless, but more importantly - to me - that his death really would not change anything in Iraq. It is still a mess.
Bottom line, he is dead and so are a lot of other Iraqis and now 3,000 of the U.S. military. Against that there is all of the following: no WMD's, no democracy in Iraq, sectarian civil war, and dwindling respect for the U.S. abroad. Why do I think that when Bush finally comes up with another new strategy for Iraq, that the first thing he will do is pat himself on the back for getting rid of Saddam and ignore the damage he has caused?
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