Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Herald Bulletin FINALLY realizes that Judge Newman got disciplined

It takes the Herald-Bulletin six days to find out that Judge Newman got disciplined by the Indiana Supreme Court? Why? I wrote a bit about Judge Newman delaying the release of a man from Indiana's Department of Correction.

You can find the Indiana Supreme Court's opinion here. The court starts off with this: "Judge Thomas Newman’s failure to do his duty has brought the judiciary into disrepute."

I suspect that Judge Newman has also brought Madison County into disrepute. I do know that I believe that he has brought the local Democratic Party into disrepute. The Herald-Bulletin forgot to mention that Newman was just re-elected without any opposition.

The opinion says that Newman apologized "to Dawson and his family, to his fellow judges, to the Commission, and to the Court". Ought he also apologized to the public that elected him? Here is his response to the Herald Bulletin: "Newman declined comment".

I suggest that my fellow Democrats think very seriously about our further support of Judge Newman. The Republicans will have a field day attacking us for our hackery and now Newman has made himself a poster child for these kind of attacks. Even worse, we do not have the truth on our side in defending Judge Newman. If Anderson and Madison County is to progress and if the Democratic Party is to survive in this city and county, then we need to rid ourselves of second-raters like Judge Newman.

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