Sunday, May 03, 2009

What's Up For the General Assembly's Special Session

Some questions from The Indianapolis Business Journal's NewsTalk blog's
Fodder for special session

Should anything else be put on the table for a special session? Here’s a partial list of what didn’t happen:

–fixing the Capital Improvement Board mess
–streamlining local government
–funding mass transit
–banning smoking statewide in public places and businesses
–expanding charter schools
–forcing utilities to supply part of their electricity from renewable resources.

Meanwhile, Doug Masson critiques what lead to the special session in his More on Special Session and his I didn’t see that coming.

I agree with what Capitol Watch blog wrote this in its Taxpayers lose, but could someone win in special session? :
I wrote a few days ago that Gov. Mitch Daniels was probably rooting for a special session, seeing as how it is a proper distraction from his inability to push large portions of his legislative agenda through either half of the General Assembly this session. Bosma and his ilk clearly see lucrative political hay in a protracted battle, although their refusal to vote for anything over the last few weeks begs the question as to what exactly they do support other than their own re-election campaigns.

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