"Ball State University President Jo Ann Gora has been chosen to receive TechPoint's annual Trailblazer Award for 'significant and lasting contributions to technology innovation in Indiana,' the statewide business-development group announced today.
Gora will be recognized at the group's annual Mira Awards, which honor the state's top-performing companies, schools and individuals in technology-related pursuits. The Mira Gala takes place May 16 at the Westin Hotel in downtown Indianapolis."
Under Gora, Ball State's president since 2004, the Muncie university has been named the nation's top wireless campus in surveys conducted by Intel Corp. and the Center for Digital Education.
"Dr. Gora is a pioneer who is putting Indiana on the map in the world of emerging media," said Jim Jay, president and CEO of TechPoint.
Incarnating the Inchoate to Kill It
I posted this over on social media, but it seemed worth preserving in some
form: I’m suddenly fascinated with the concept of the scapegoat. There
seems t...
The Southwest Airlines Debacle
A good technical explanation and a refreshing suggestion: that the remedy
is removing the liability shield and allowing the threat of serious
financial con...
[12+] Dance Moms Abby
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Lee Mil...
Broken Links Corrected
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but it...
Bank accounts
They're where the money is. Right? Today we want to compare a couple of
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public schoo...
Let Bannon and Trump talk. We’ll report.
*When a top White House* aide called *The New York Times* on Wednesday to
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characterized Pr...
The Real Motivation of the Pain Caucus
Above: Publication Appearing in 3 Weeks At Your Dentist’s Office Insults
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cover stor...
How did Wisconsin become a cesspool?
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underlying the instan...
The Return!
Stay tuned...what was once Indy's Painfully Objective Political Analysis
(iPOPA) is undergoing a transformation, but it will be back soon!
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at http://blog.animalswithinanimals.com/.
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.
For feed subs...
Trouble with the CIB
Well folks your friendly neighborhood Capitol Improvement Board
("CIB")needs some help.
You might recall that the CIB is the quasi-government agency that r...
Dartmouth Law Journal calling for papers
The Dartmouth Law Journal (DLJ) is a scholarly law review published three
times a year by undergraduate students under the auspices of the
Rockefeller Cent...