Thursday, March 05, 2009

Quiz: Republicans Want to Protect Us From Government Tyranny

I need to gird myself even more to read all of the Bush Justice Department memos. Right now I agree strongly with this headline from The Washington Post: Bush's Secret Dictatorship.

The memo issued by the acting director of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel just five days before Barack Obama took office comes across almost as, among other things, a bit whiny.

Steven Bradbury wrote to officially retract a series of memos in which his former colleagues secretly rewrote the Constitution.

He acknowledged that their reasoning was at various points "unconvincing" and "not sustainable."

But Bradbury was also making excuses for them. They were afraid, he wrote: "The opinions addressed herein were issued in the wake of the atrocities of 9/11, when policymakers, fearing that additional catastrophic terrorist attacks were imminent, strived to employ all lawful means to protect the nation." They were rushed, confronting "novel and complex legal questions in a time of great danger and under extraordinary time pressure."

No excuse. Not even close.

Why is it that the Republicans get up in arms about Obama trying to fix their damage to our economy never get upset by erosion of our civil rights? Might I suggest that paupers are much easier to control and those that they cannot control economically they will do so with the police power of the government?

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