This information is courtesy of Tim Lanane:
The Indiana Foreclosure Prevention Network and its partners will host a Foreclosure Prevention Workout Session on Thursday, January 8, 2009 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in Anderson, Indiana at the Ivy Tech Community College, East Central. Ivy Teach Community College East Central is located at 7307 Quality Circle Drive.
The Workout Session will provide an opportunity to meet face to face with lenders and/or housing counselors to discuss options to avoid foreclosure. In addition, workshops and a resource fair will take place. |
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For the Foreclosure Prevention Workout Sessions, please bring the following information:
- Your loan account number.
- A brief description of your circumstances.
- Recent income documents such as:
- Pay stubs.
- Benefit statements from Social Security, disability, unemployment, retirement, or public assistance.
- If self-employed, have your tax returns or a year-to-date profit and loss statement available for reference.
- List of household expenses.