Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Updating the Muncie Recount

Judge grants recount, names commission:

"Delaware Circuit Court 3 Judge Robert Barnet Jr. on Monday granted the recount to Delaware County Republicans, appointed the three-member recount commission and ordered that all ballots, voting machines, poll lists and other election materials be impounded and protected."

Republicans have not spoken publicly about what evidence they have to support their allegations.

They must, however, provide that evidence to Democrat attorneys by Friday.

By Thursday, attorneys for both parties must submit proposed instructions for the recount commission.

The judge has yet to establish a time and place for the recount, which must be finished by Dec. 20, according to state law.

The recount commission members are Muncie attorney Mark Abrell, who will represent Delaware County Democrats; Muncie accountant Alan Simmons, who will represent Delaware County Republicans; and Steve Adams, an information technology specialist who works for county government.

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