Friday, December 14, 2007

Update on Muncie Mayoral Recount

Recount begins for Muncie mayor; 14 precincts counted | The Star Press - - Muncie, IN:

"Republicans remained silent on what evidence they have to prove Democrats committed voter fraud, even as the mayor's race recount began Wednesday."


It did not include arguments from attorneys concerning Republican allegations that Democrat Jim Mansfield's 11-point victory over Republican Sharon McShurley was influenced by fraud, misconduct and tampering.

Instead, the three-person recount commission spent most of the day counting absentee ballots by hand and comparing their tally to those produced by ballot-reading machines on Election Day.

Observers from both parties requested that dozens of ballots and related materials, including absentee ballot envelopes and absentee voter applications, be marked for further inspection.


Afterward, Republican attorney David Brooks denied another request by The Star Press to share what evidence he had to prove Democrats committed fraud, tampering or misconduct.

Brooks has repeatedly declined to speak about the evidence, saying he doesn't want the case to be tried in the media.

Republicans, however, did turn over their evidence to Democrats this week, a sharing process required by law.

Democrat attorney Mike Quirk said he hoped to share the evidence with The Star Press today.

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