"On an Eighth Street building, the Tupelo, Mo.-based American Family Association erected a billboard that questions Austin’s support of traditional marriage."I supported Mrs. Austin when she cast her vote and I still think she did the right thing. Larger problems loom over Anderson, Madison County and Indiana than the faint possibility that same sex couples will ever be reveling in wedded bliss in this state. Reading the comments to the Herald-Bulletin's article shows just how much this community worries about same-sex marriage.
The sign annoys me for its dishonesty. The Indiana Supreme Court decided that marriage means a union between a man and a woman. The Indiana Supreme Court approaches every attack on the constitutionality of legislation with the presumption that what the General Assembly did was constitutional. The Indiana Supreme Court works so hard to uphold legislation that rare is the legislation that is found unconstitutional under the state constitution. While I think a very good argument exists (as it existed in the Massachusetts and New Jersey Bills of Rights - they all share the same language) for same-sex marriage in Indiana, I can imagine the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series before three of our five state supreme court justices agree with that argument. Calling Indiana marriages imperiled is a tactic based on falsehood which is made for the sole purpose enriching someone's campaign coffers.
One point for the Herald-Bulletin, the AFA comes not from Missouri (MO) but Mississippi (MI).