Thursday, December 06, 2007

Muncie Mayoral Recount Getting Nastier

From today's Muncie Star-Press comes Democrat accused of spying on GOP in mayoral recount
Republicans were reviewing voter registration cards Tuesday and Wednesday to compare signatures on those cards with signatures on corresponding absentee ballots. In asking for a recount last week, Republicans said fraud, tampering and misconduct influenced Democrat Jim Mansfield's 11-vote victory over Republican Sharon McShurley in the race for mayor."

Republicans have accused the voter registration employee, Ashley Nichols -- an appointee of the Democratic Party -- of harassing volunteers and spying while on county time. More specifically, according to Republicans, Nichols was photocopying voter registration cards requested by GOP volunteers to give Democratic leaders an inside look into the Republican investigation.
"She is a county employee on county time doing work for a party," Delaware County Republican Party Vice Chairman Tom Bennington said. "It's probably some form of ghost employment."

Nichols, however, said she was simply following an office policy established by voter registration board members Margie Landers, the Delaware County Democratic Party chairwoman, and Will Statom, the board's Republican Party appointee.

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