Considering Bush's penchant for domestic spying, maybe it is not so odd that Bush likes Putin?"I understand perfectly well, moreover, that Putin and Putinism were a product of the 'wild Nineties,' that his policies, in many respects, continue and develop tendencies already apparent under Boris Yeltsin, tendencies that became more extreme toward the end of Yeltsin's regime when Yeltsin himself—a sincere but extremely muddled and inconsistent politician, who understood only vaguely the transformations begun under his leadership—was losing control over events. But the question now is, why has Putinism prevailed over other possible paths of political evolution in Russia?"
Seriously, a good read written by a Russian. While we get distracted by Iran, China and Russia are making more important moves. I heard today that China may shift its dollars into Euros. That means an economic disaster for us.