Friday, November 16, 2007

Six Steps for Reinvigorating America — HBS Working Knowledge

Take a look at HBS Working Knowledge's Six Steps for Reinvigorating America (yes, this is from the Harvard Business School):
"Kanter believes America at the start of the 21st century has lost its way both as a beacon to the world and as a can-do nation. Among the discouraging trends she sees are political and religious attacks that stifle science and innovation; growing unease and pressure in the workplace; too few companies recognizing obligations to their communities as well as to their shareholders; mistrust and contempt of government; a prevailing political ideology that is xenophobic and isolationist; and the splitting of Americans into antagonistic ideological camps instead of finding common ground upon which to build."
That leads into an interview with Rosabeth Moss Kanter who wrote America the Principled.

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