Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nitpicking Tuesday's Anderson election

You can find the summary for Madison County's election returns here. Reading them just give me questions:
  1. Assuming the straight ticket voters as a base for the numbers, how is it that Smith got more of his votes from non-straight ticket voters than Ockomon? I calculate 4,201 votes for Smith above his straight ticket vote.
  2. How is it that two unopposed, city-wide candidates got more than anyone in the mayor's race or the at-large council seats?
  3. I calculate that we had 8,527 straight ticket voters between all three parties, but who are the 11,131 other voters? Or the 10,341, if you deduct the write-in and independent votes in the mayoral race?
  4. Then compare the following with the mayor's race:
               19  RODNEY CHAMBERLAIN (DEM) .  .  .  .     8,777   19.99
    20 DAVID EICKS (DEM) . . . . . . 7,325 16.68
    21 RICK MUIR (DEM) . . . . . . . 8,273 18.84

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