Monday, November 12, 2007

Muncie/Delaware County election and some thoughts on voter turnout

Some interesting bits from the Muncie Star-Press' Inaccurate voter rolls skew turnout numbers:
"Inside city limits, that number amounts to 90 percent, compared to 94 percent for the entire county, based on numbers provided by the Delaware County Voter Registration office and the U.S. Census."


Voter turnout in Tuesday's Muncie election, was around 27 percent -- as was cumulative turnout figures for all four municipalities. (Daleville and Albany also held town elections Tuesday, but did so without the involvement of county election officials or vote-counting equipment.)

But once again, that number was based in part on the fact that 45,601 people in Muncie -- or 90 percent of the estimated adult population -- was registered to vote.

Simmons said a real registration rate between 70 to 80 percent is more likely, and even that number would require a very civic-minded population.

Based on Simmons' estimations, turnout of registered voters in Muncie might have been somewhere between 30 and 34 percent.

I wonder if Madison County's rolls are likewise inflated and our turnout also somewhat higher? Still too low by any sane measure when more than fifty percent of the electorate does not vote.

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