Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Delaware County has no Shovel-ready sites

But Anderson does.

Shovel-ready sites don't include Delaware County:

"Shovel-ready development sites -- so named because the permit process that can slow or stymie business development has been fast-tracked, readying the land for the onset of construction -- dot the landscape."


The Indiana Economic Development Corporation official who oversees the state's Shovel Ready program said Delaware County is welcome to join the 30 other Indiana Shovel Ready sites.

"We would love to have it that every county has a site," said Brad Moore, project manager for the IEDC Shovel Ready program, created in 2005. "Delaware County has just not submitted an application yet."

Ball State University economist Michael Hicks said Delaware County's absence from the program is not a cause for concern.

"Right now, it's not a problem," Hicks said. "Only one in three counties have these sites. We're pretty early in the process.

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