Saturday, November 17, 2007

Barry Welsh on Pence and Iraq

Welsh Comments On Pence Iraq Statement
"Welsh said, 'Those in lockstep with President Bush, especially Congressman Pence, keep trying to put a fresh image to this disaster in Iraq. The old saying of 'Lipstick on a Pig' comes to mind. We have heard so many times that we are turning a corner, or the tide is turning, or just three more months, and the People have had enough. The People want change, and that was demonstrated in last week's elections. Change is coming and we are that change.'"
I urge everyone to take a good look at Barry’s Blog.

By the way, why is it that walking in lockstep makes me think either of the prison inmates in an old Warner Brothers movie or lemmings? Indiana deserves better than Mike Pence and we can do something about it.

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