Sunday, November 11, 2007

Another alternative fuel source - good enough for Indiana?

From The New York Times, Fuel Without the Fossil:

"For years, scientists have known that the building blocks in plant matter — not just corn kernels, but also corn stalks, wood chips, straw and even some household garbage — constituted an immense potential resource that could, in theory, help fill the gasoline tanks of America’s cars and trucks."
Say doesn't Purdue have a chemistry department? They did when my aunt graduated there about sixty years ago.

Some other points from the article:

And unlike making ethanol from corn kernels, these techniques do not require significant amounts of natural gas or coal. Carbon dioxide, emitted in large volume when people burn fossil fuels, is the primary culprit in global warming.

Lately, these factors have resulted in a flood of investment capital into both biological and chemical techniques for using biomass. Experts consider both approaches promising, and they say it is too early to tell which will win.

Which says to me that room exists also for private investment.

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