Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Urban farming

I know - terrible title for this post. Problem is The New York Times' own headline is pretty good and hard for me to beat: A Chicken on Every Plot, a Coop in Every Backyard.

I know there was a rooster over on Jefferson Street last year about this time (they also had a goat) and I see someone selling rabbits on Columbus Avenue. Which leads me to wonder if there are not more raising chickens in town.

It also brings to mind something that my father told me about his childhood. He does not like chicken. When I asked him why not, he said it was because the family had had them when he was a kid and he saw what they ate. Now, that was within Anderson's city limits (albeit about 60 or more years ago). He also gave me something to think about - their chickens are what we would call free range chickens.

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