Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hoagy Carmichael

The Washington Post's Book Section has an essay on Hoagy Carmichael's autobiography. I got say I have very seldom heard Carmichael sing his own songs (check out the movie To Have and to Have Not to see him in action), but it seems I always knew who he was. I can thank my mom for that. The following is how the essay ends:
What came after that -- and there was a lot of it -- is to be found in Sudhalter's biography. But for pure, unadorned Carmichael, you have to read "The Stardust Road." Like Armstrong's memoir, "Satchmo," Carmichael's probably takes a casual approach to factual accuracy, but it gives you the man in full. It's also Indiana to the core, Americana pure and simple.
So go read Hoagy Carmichael's Memories, Straight From the Heartland.

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