Wednesday, September 05, 2007

For George W.: why?

I am reading Bush Profiled: Big Ideas, Tiny Details this morning and throughout the book review, I keep wanting to know one thing. That thing is why Bush has done the things he has done. I have yet to read or hear anything describing a coherent worldview. Obviously, he wanted to change the world - a true conservative there! - but that is not how he put himself forward in 2000. Where did he want to lead us: to the Promised Land or to Donner Pass? Yes, I know that expecting coherent thought from our President asks a lot of him and he has not delivered anything close to coherent in eight years. It does make a difference, though. Understanding his goals makes a difference in finding to be a crypto-fascist, a cynical politician looking to get elected, an incompetent fool, or a boob. This is from the book review:
Although the President Bush described in this volume will be familiar to most readers, Mr. Draper colors in the outlines with lots of tiny details. Apparently Mr. Bush loves doing imitations of Dr. Evil from the “Austin Powers” movies. He keeps meticulous count of all the books he’s read. (At one point he tells Mr. Draper he’s up to 87 for the year.) And he’s wildly competitive about his bike riding, eager to show his younger Secret Service companions “who’s The Man” and insistent on burning at least 1,000 calories during each workout.

What books does he read? What has he learned from them? It sounds as if he reads just to see how many he can muddle through. He certainly seems intent on competition for the sake of competition rather than for what may be won.

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