Saturday, August 18, 2007

Indiana rates 36th on Cost-of-Doing-Business

So reports the Indianapolis Business Journal yesterday.

The index considers states' costs of wages, tax burden, electricity, industrial rent and office rent.

Hawaii, New York and Alaska were the priciest states to do business, according to the list. South Dakota, Iowa and North Dakota were least expensive.

Which reminds of something I read a year or more ago about tax burdens and businesses. Seems that India has a pretty low tax burden but not nearly the same level of amenities as, say, France or even Muncie, Indiana. Seems to me the same kind of point could be made here - would you rather do business in Indiana (or even New York) or in the Dakotas?

You get what you pay for. So what have we got here that makes it worthwhile to open shop here instead of Fargo, North Dakota?

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