Considering how important China will be to this country, we need to keep informed. Here is the site.All Roads Lead to China was established with the objective of providing accurate, up-to-date information on China’s current trends, macroeconomic development, regional differences and consumer preferences, to enhance the business intelligence of executives entering China who require a sophisticated, informed China strategy.
Each week we provide topical posts on key issues, such as our regulatory roundup and “map of the week”. We also provide an additional 2-3 posts every week which highlight topics such as:
- Industry Trends
- Logistics and distribution in China
- Regional dynamics within China
- Manufacturing Trends/ Quality Control Issues
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Networking in China
- Cultural Tips
Law is Potential Violence
Another couple of thoughts I posted over on social media which seemed worth
memorializing here. In light of the ongoing unpleasantness, Peter Sagal on
1 day ago