Early this morning I heard a comedy record from the early 70's. Nixon and Watergate was the topic. Geez, I just about miss Nixon. (Don't worry too much about me missing Nixon. I really miss being thirteen sometimes, too, but I am pretty sure I do not want to repeat the last 34 years). After all, Tricky Dick seemed competent in about everything except hiring plumbers while Bush seem oblivious to being an outright boob. Nixon seems so damned concerned about not appearing as a crook while Bush seems bent on being unconcerned about everything including his own lack of honesty.
What got me thinking about the Boob-in-Chief? Alberto Gonzales started it all. Watching him testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I was thinking: The guy practiced law? He was
a Texas Supreme Court Justice?
I could take a reasonably intelligent person and they could have done a better job. A shift manager at McDonald's has more ability to manage the Justice Department than this idiot. Then I read this article by Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post and I am reminded that his boss created Gonzales and cannot be excused from this mess. It was a hard week this week and I am tired and I felt a major depression coming after thinking about Bush and Gonzales. So, I quit thinking about them. Or, I tried.
Daily Kos has a post here that got my blood pressure going again and so did this article from The Washington Post.
Enough, Congress just needs to impeach Bush, Cheney and Gonzales. Enough of using them as punching bags while they push the country further into ridicule and the government into a corruption of a democratic republic.
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6 days ago