There is the article, On the highway to hell, taking a global view of congestion. They do avoid the intersection of I-69 and 465, so might be of limited interest."The freight yard at Elgin is in good condition and we are hopeful of freight trains coming there again soon," said rail freight adviser Ron Smith. "This is good news - a major project funded by the Scottish Executive through Transport Scotland that is running early and below budget, which will give us the opportunity to run big containers all the way to Istanbul if we want."
Transport Scotland estimates that the new hub should remove at least 2.3 million lorry-kilometres from the roads annually once it is up and running, and is planning a major marketing drive to attract business from the likes of whisky and forestry industries, and also to transportfood,clothingandother goods into the area.
All Politics is Local – SB 249 and Teacher’s Compensation
In one sense, Sen. Deery’s SB 249 is nothing too novel. It’s a teacher
compensation bill that continues the effort to undermine collective
bargaining by ...
1 week ago