One of those brought up the unitary executive theory. If you do not know about this theory, follow the link and come back. Seriously, it is that important to know about this idea.
If you want to do some more reading on the unitary executive theory, here is another article.
Then there we get the GAO report on how Bush implemented his signing statements. Here is a post from The Indiana Lawyer that gives access to the report and reporting on the report.
This from a New York Times' editorial, Don’t Veto, Don’t Obey, criticizing Bush's signing statements and refusal to follow the laws:
The Bush administration’s disregard for these laws is part of its extraordinary theory of the “unitary executive.” The administration asserts that the president has the sole authority to supervise and direct executive officers, and that Congress and the courts cannot interfere. This theory, which has no support in American history or the Constitution, is a formula for autocracy.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
4 days ago