As promised Saturday, the Killbuck Concerned Citizens had a tent downtown on Saturday. I found their materials late last night and here is the promised post.
Is there anyone who has lived in Madison County for the past 27 years that does not know about Mallard Lake and its landfill? Maybe you thought it had all come to an end years ago? Afraid not. Do give a look at the KCCA's website.
Here is another site with KCCA news and also links to the appropriate government officials.
I must say that the landfill business must have some good profit margins since the owners have not been able to use the land for a landfill in twenty odd years since purchase. As a lawyer I love to try cases but I do wonder sometimes if litigation obscures alternative means of remedying a situation. For now, though, litigation and politics are all the tactics Madison County and Anderson have left. Donate to the KCCA's legal fund, if you can. Contact our County Council, County Commissioners and Mayor Smith if you oppose this landfill.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
6 hours ago