About POGO's Contractor Misconduct DatabaseHalliburton is #6 on its top ten list. You can even report contractor abuse from the site.
The government awards contracts to companies with histories of misconduct such as contract fraud and environmental, ethics, and labor violations. In the absence of a centralized federal database listing instances of misconduct, the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is providing such data. We believe that it will lead to improved contracting decisions and public access to information about how the government spends hundreds of billions of taxpayer money each year on goods and services.
"Helmets to Hardhats" Non-Profit Connects Over 30,000 Veterans To
Federally-Approved Apprenticeship Training Programs And Careers
*"MILITARY.COM" By **Darrell Roberts*
*"The training is privately funded, provided by the trade organizations
themselves at no cost to the veteran. *
1 week ago