I got to take the kids fishing once this Summer. I plan on taking them again but that does cut off my chances to do any fishing myself but I really want to see the kids catch a fish. I got the feeling that will be even more fun than catching my own.
So, if you get the idea to fish and especially fly fishing here are some links:
Flytimes Old Timey Fly Fishing Blog (Not Indiana but still fun)
Fly Fishing (Another from outside of Indiana and it has pictures, too)
Indiana Fish & Game Magazine. All kinds of fishing articles.
Indiana's Department of Natural Resources' Fish & Wildlife Division. A great use of our tax dollars - one not even the current administration has been able to ruin (even if there are no biologist reports for last year).
Indiana Info Fishing Reports. It is what says it says it is. The DNR also has fishing reports but not all are very up to date.
Midwest Fly Fishing Online. Great magazine, so-so website, but it is about the only magazine that is about fly fishing in the Midwest and that includes Indiana.
Flymasters. A fly fishing shop in Indianapolis. Used to be two and now only this one. The website is not always up to date but if you are close by, then go give them a visit.
The Steelhead Site. Yep, we got them here in Indiana. Some day, some how, I want to be standing in the St' Joseph River fishing for them
The Three Rivers Fly Fishers. A Fort Wayne group of flyfishers. Their library has a hatch chart for Indiana. Never have seen anything like that before.
Then there is the TIPPECANOE FLY FISHERS. To which the The TippeFlyFisher blog is attached. Currently it is has a post on Indiana water quality.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
1 week ago