Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bush President of the World?

I remember hearing a report on NPR where some Albanian called our own George W. Bush, President of the World. Hmmm, I thought, that does not make the Albanian schools sound very good.

Later, after hearing how the Republican hopefuls could not think of a good use for the soon-to-be former president, I think here is a good use for George W. after February 1, 2009: Special Envoy to Albania.

Meanwhile, the rest of Europe may not be so impressed with our President:

Outside of greater Tirana, however, the president's stock as an apostle of freedom continues to fall -- and rightly so. Even as Albania swooned, the rest of Europe was digesting a blue-ribbon report issued Friday about the abduction, secret detention and abusive interrogation of suspects in Bush's "war on terror."

The report was done for the Council of Europe by Swiss legislator Dick Marty, and its opening paragraph is worth quoting at length:

"What was previously just a set of allegations is now proven: large numbers of people have been abducted from various locations across the world and transferred to countries where they have been persecuted and where it is known that torture is common practice. Others have been held in arbitrary detention, without any precise charges leveled against them and without any judicial oversight. . . . Still others have simply disappeared for indefinite periods and have been held in secret prisons, including in member states of the Council of Europe."

That's from Eugene Robinson's column in yesterday's Washington Post. You might want to take a look at the rest of the column.

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